Breathwork for Anxiety

Overcome anxiety & panic attacks

Breathwork for anxiety is a gentle yet Powerful Breathwork Therapy It is a combination of Relaxation, Breathing, Suggestion and powerful Healing Vibrations.

The combination of Breath techniques and suggestion brings about a state of relaxation. This relaxed state allows me to connect with you so that you can receive the Healing Vibrations that I will be sending to you throughout the session.

You will be Sitting back or laying down with eyes closed during the session on zoom. I will guide you using slow gentle breath and suggestions to bring you into a relaxed state.

Agoraphobia Therapy

Take control of your life

Overcoming agoraphobia, like any anxiety disorder, is a gradual and individual process. All Therapy sessions will be done online via video call and set at a pace that is suitable for you.

1. I am a therapist, who has personal experience of anxiety disorders and agoraphobia. I will help you develop a tailored plan.

2. I can help you understand the condition and support you in your recovery.

3. I will help you challenge negative thought patterns and beliefs that contribute to agoraphobia.

4. I will help you with breathing techniques, to help manage anxiety symptoms and offer weekly breathwork meditations to create a baseline of inner calm.

5. Through Gradual exposure therapy, with me virtually by your side you can start to face and overcome situations that usually trigger anxiety with my support and at a pace that suits you.

6. I will assist in setting realistic goals for yourself, starting with small steps and gradually increasing the difficulty as you become more comfortable and confident.

7. You will have an accountability support system within our support group. Sharing your experiences with others who understand, can be helpful in reducing feelings of isolation.

8. I will help you challenge self-criticism and be patient and kind to yourself throughout the process. Recovery takes time, and setbacks are a natural part of the journey.

9. Once you start making progress, I will help you to continue to challenge yourself and practice the strategies you've learned to prevent relapse and reinforce positive changes.

10. Remember, recovery from agoraphobia is a process, and it's crucial to be patient and persistent. Celebrate your progress, no matter how small, and stay committed to your treatment plan.

Breathwork for Pain

Reduce or overcome pain

Breathwork for pain is a powerful Breathwork Therapy It is a combination of Relaxation, Breathing, Suggestion and powerful Healing Vibrations.

The combination of Breath techniques and suggestion brings about a state of relaxation. This relaxed state allows me to connect with you so that you can receive the Healing Vibrations that I will be sending to you throughout the session.

You will be Sitting back or laying down with eyes closed during the session on zoom. I will guide you using slow gentle breath and suggestions to bring you into a relaxed state calming the Nervous system into a state of rest relaxation and Healing.

Shakti Activation

Awaken the Kundalini process

Shakti activation is a term used in certain spiritual traditions and practices, such as Tantra and Kundalini Yoga. "Shakti" refers to the divine feminine energy or power.

Shakti activation is a process in which a spiritual mentor, transmits the energy of Shakti to a disciple or seeker.

Through this activation, the spiritual energy within the individual, known as Kundalini, is awakened and begins to rise through the Chakras and subtle energy channels in the body.

Through the power of breath and the movement of Shakti energy you are guided and supported throughout the awakening process The purpose of Shakti activation is to awaken the individual's spiritual potential and facilitate the transformation of consciousness.

This awakening can lead to a deeper spiritual experience, expanded awareness, and ultimately union with the divine.

It's important to note that Shakti activation is considered a sacred and powerful process.

The activation is not a one-time event but rather the beginning of a transformative journey, and the initiate is usually encouraged to engage in spiritual practices, such as Breathwork, affirmations, and self-inquiry, to support their spiritual growth and the integration of the awakened energy.

Group Breathwork

Two live sessions a week Online

Online Group Breathwork sessions will be a max of 8 sessions a month, sometimes less due to commitments. Sessions are twice a week. Thursday & Sunday evenings 7.45pm UK time. Sessions are approx 45- 60 mins

The Thursday session is Spirit Breath, a gentle powerful breath with verbal guidance and gentle Music to awaken and connect to your essence.

The Sunday session is Dynamic Breathing, strong deep breathing with multiple breath holds and energetic music, followed by gentle breathing, gentle music and deep relaxation.

It is an affordable low monthly subscription service which you can cancel at anytime.

Spirit Breath

Connect with a loved one in Spirit

Spirit Breath is a powerful tool used as a spiritual practice to connect with spirit, induce altered states of consciousness, and promote inner exploration and expansion.

This technique can be used to Meet a Loved one or for those who wish to develop it can enhance or unlock one's psychic abilities, particularly in the area of mediumship. It combines the practices of specific breathing techniques, and psychic development to access and strengthen the individual's intuitive and mediumistic capacities.

Spiritual Reading

Psychic Medium Reading on facebook

Spiritual Mediums are able to link in and communicate with your loved ones in spirit, they may also link into your Spiritual Guides and give you guidance on matters close to your Spiritual Heart.

All Spiritual Mediums are also Psychic, this means they are able to read people and situations and gain insight and understanding around personal situations that you may be experiencing at this time.

Spiritual Mediums do not need tools such as tarot cards or crystal balls, Instead they rely on their abilities to "tune into" different energy frequencies in order to be able to see, feel or hear your loved ones in spirit.

Readings will be done live Via Facebook Instant Messenger How does it Work

1. You make the appointment and we connect on face book..

2. From the moment you contact me your loved ones in spirit are aware of the agreed appointment time.(indeed it may have been them that prompted you to contact me)

3. At the agreed time, I will message you via Facebook Messenger

4. The reading can vary in length depending on many factors, but I request that you allow at least 30 minutes of your time for the reading.

5. I if you have any questions you may ask them at the end of the reading.

6. Once the reading is complete, I will end the reading and close the messenger box. Some people worry that they may be told about accidents or deaths. Let me reassure you that You will not hear such things from me.

Awaken the Divine within


Amadeity / Therapist Directory / My Spiritual Friends 2010