Independent Spiritual Ministry & Member Organisation

Amadeity Ministry

Amadeity is an independent Spiritual Ministry, our aim is to empower and inspire individuals by helping them to discover the true nature and power of their being.

Jesus said "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God" Mathew 6:33

Jesus also said "The Kingdom of God is within you"
Luke 17:20-21

Through our Ministry and self enquiry we encourage you to go within and seek Gods Kingdom and to realise your connection to his blessings and his power that is within you.

Through this connection you will be empowered with the ability to face and overcome all of Life challenges. Letting go of the past, embracing those aspects of yourself that you hate, and forgiving yourself for any perceived mistakes made.

It is a journey of self development, self understanding and self healing, all of which Awakens you to your true essence.

For Jesus Said "the works that I do shall you do also; and greater
works than these shall you do; because I go unto my Father.” John 14:12

Our aim is to empower you to do those greater works in Gods Name and therefore fulfil Jesus Prophecy!

To join us as a Student member. Check Amadeity Academy below.

If you are a practising Healer or Psychic Medium, and wish to join us scroll down to Membership below for details on how to become a Full member.

If you are looking for help with a physical, mental or emotional challenge you are facing then please take a look at our services page to see what therapies we offer. Or check out our Therapist Directory.

Amadeity Academy

Amadeity via its Academy offers online Professional courses and mentoring in Healing, Breathwork and Psychic Mediumship. You get Immediate access to your chosen course on registration with ongoing support.

Courses Lead to full accredited membership of Amadeity.

To join us now as a Student member. Click on courses below.

If you are a practising Healer, Therapist or Psychic Medium, scroll down to Membership below for details on how to become a Full member. If you are looking for help with a physical, mental or emotional challenge you are facing then please take a look at our services page to see what therapies we offer. Or check out our Therapist Directory.

Breathwork Therapy

Spirit Breath was developed by the founder of Amadeity it is a culmination of his 40 years of experience in spiritual and personal development.

It is a powerful tool used as a spiritual and therapeutic practice to induce altered states of consciousness, and promote inner exploration, expansion and healing. The Spirit Breath technique is gentle and powerful and may help with a range of conditions (see services)

The gentle soft breathing and suggestions lead you into a deep altered state of consciousness, opening many options to explore your inner world, and may help in healing of past traumas, anxiety, or may assist you in healing or coping better with current physical health issues.

For those interested in Spiritual development, Spirit Breath has many powerful facets to awaken the Divine within you, thus opening your connection to yourself the universe and all the innate abilities available to you.

It can be used to navigate and to calm the physical, mental, emotional and energy challenges of a Spiritual Awakening or dark night of the soul.


For those who would like to begin their Spiritual journey with a Kundalini or Spiritual Awakening the technique of Shakti Activation is for you.

Advertise with Us

Our Therapist Directory is an Advertising platform open to Mental/ Physical and Spiritual Therapists. Whatever your modality you can advertise with us. There are several different levels of Membership available at sensible monthly or annual fees. Our aim is to be affordable to all.

It is an Open Directory, meaning that the public can search the entire Directory for free, and may privately message you directly to find out more about your services.

You get access to your own Dashboard & profile, you can advertise in Multiple categories, with some membership levels you can share Articles and create Discussions on your own profile. Some member levels allow you to advertise your events on our Events Calendar too. Check out which Membership level is perfect your budget and your needs. Amadeity Members get a free account so why not consider becoming an Amadeity member.

Healer Medium or Therapist Membership

Click the link above for Full Healer Membership Criteria

Click the link above for Full Membership Criteria

Click the link above for Full Membership Criteria

Awaken the Divine within


Amadeity / Therapist Directory / My Spiritual Friends 2010