About Amadeity

  • Amadeity is an Independent Spiritual organisation

  • We offer a Distant Healing service worldwide

  • We offer Remote Spirit Release Therapy worldwide

  • We offer Free online Readings in our weekly Open Circle

  • We offer One to one online Breathwork sessions

  • We offer one to one online Healing worldwide

  • We offer accredited membership to Healers and Mediums

  • We offer accredited courses in Healing, and Psychic Mediumship

  • We offer Guidance and Support through your Spiritual Awakening

  • We offer weekly online Group Breathwork sessions

  • We offer a Free Facebook Community dedicated to Spiritual development

  • We offer a safe space for you to explore and discover your Divine authentic self.

Discover more Below

Aims and Objectives

1.     Provide Professional training in Healing, Breathwork and Psychic Mediumship

2.     Provide membership and support to those who feel the call to serve others.

3.     Provide ethical Codes of Conduct to members to promote public trust.

4.     Provide mentoring to those experiencing a Spiritual awakening.

5.     Provide affordable one to one therapy for those who are in need.

6.     Provide a free community to support those who are lost in a confusing World.

7.     Promote our aims and objectives in community with others.

8.     To be a living example of the Amadeity 7 principals

Kevin Taylor

Amadeity Founder

Overcoming adversity in my life, has made me Purpose Driven, so I am passionate about Inspiring and helping you.


I spent 5 Years almost completely housebound as an Agoraphobic in my early twenties, with daily Anxiety / Panic attacks for a total of 10 Years, before overcoming this debilitating condition. I have been Anxiety and Panic attack and medication free for over 25 years.

As a direct result of this experience, I set out on a voyage of discovery looking for answers, looking for techniques, looking for someone to cure me. Instead I was led on a voyage of self discovery, by going within and by breaking free from the effects of my past, I found not only myself, but also my purpose in life. Which is to help you to discover yourself, to help you to release yourself from limiting beliefs and ideas, and to heal trauma and pain created by past experiences.

Amadeity is a not for Profit Spiritual Organisation, created so that I can reach out to people like you. So

if you are looking to awaken the divine within, or to become a Healer, Breathworker or Psychic Medium, or if you want to be free of the effects of painful experiences from the past, then I am keen to work with you.

Awaken the Divine within


Amadeity / Therapist Directory / My Spiritual Friends 2010